New Media Summit

Holding power to account


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Meet our 2024 new media speakers
Blake Sabatinelli
Julia Beizer
Chief Operating Officer Bloomberg MediaLoretta Chen
Founder & CEOSmobler
Marco Bassetti
CEOBanijay Entertainment & Live
Steven Knight
Screenwriter, Director, Producer & CreatorPeaky BlindersCallum 'Callux' McGinley
Content Creator, Co Founder & CEOAfter Party Studios & notwoways
Sofia Ribeiro
Actor, TV Presenter & AuthorJacob Pace
Founder & CEOPaceHovhannes Avoyan
Founder & CEOPicsart
Callum 'Calfreezy' Airey
Co-Founder & CEOThe Fellas StudiosCompanies that attend

“On TikTok, anyone can become famous. It’s not as much to do with the number of followers you already have.”

“There's responsibility to amplify other voices that might be more educated in a topic than I am.”