Should creatives feel threatened by AI?

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A image of a human hand holding a pen reaching out to touch a robot hand reminiscent of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam.

Is AI coming for creative jobs in marketing – or will humans always have a dominant role to play when it comes to art, design and writing?

VidMob founder and CEO Alex Collmer thinks that artificial intelligence is a transformative force that will permanently change how we live and operate. This, says Alex, goes for all kinds of jobs and skills, including creativity.

So, should marketing professionals be scared of AI coming for their jobs? Not according to Alex, who believes that all of these tools for data insights cannot be fed straight into generative AI platforms such as Midjourney. Importantly, human creativity and creative thinking remain crucial.

There will, however, be bumps in the road as creatives adjust to the challenges posed by generative AI.

“As we progress [with AI], what we’re going to start to see is more formats, more channels, greater media complexity, and all of this leading towards increased creative difficulty,” says Alex.

“In much the same way that the first 25 years of the internet experienced omnipresent payment friction and omnipresent security friction, my view is that, going forward, we were going to enter a time where we were going to experience omnipresent creative friction.”

Alex Collmer, founder and CEO of VidMob, was speaking on PandaConf at Web Summit Rio 2023.

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Main image of a human hand holding a pen and reaching out to touch a robot hand reminiscent of Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam.: Dall-e/Web Summit

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