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Marketing and media

‘Social’ media is anything but – and AI will make it worse

The word “community” is often thrown around in the marketing and social media world, with little ...

October 30 - 3 min read
An image of a hand holding a stopwatch. The thumb is placed over the stopwatch button.
Marketing and media

What makes for a successful product launch?

Creative thinking alone doesn’t guarantee success according to Alain Sylvain, CEO of strategy fir...

September 20 - 2 min read

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An image of a person (Marc D’Amelio, CEO of D’Amelio Brands) with short hair, and wearing a black shirt. They appear to be speaking and wearing a microphone headset.
Marketing and media

Inside D’Amelio Brands: Using TikTok clout to fuel a consumer empire

Is TikTok fame fleeting or can viral videos translate into an au...

September 5 - 3 min read
Image of a seated person (Irina Novoselsky, CEO, Hootsuite). They are wearing a microphone and appear to be talking.
Marketing and media

4 tips to boost your social media strategy

Brands can cut through social media noise by implementing these ...

August 23 - 2 min read
Marketing and media

Search is social, Wordle’s still hot and generative AI dominates

Check out the hot media and marketing topics that had Collision ...

August 7 - 4 min read
A image of a human hand holding a pen reaching out to touch a robot hand reminiscent of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam.
Marketing and media

Should creatives feel threatened by AI?

Is AI coming for creative jobs in marketing – or will humans alw...

July 11 - 1 min read